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ic! berlin Sunglasses

ic! berlin Sunglasses
ic! berlin Sunglasses
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ic! berlin Sunglasses

ic berlin sunglasses are handcrafted with extreme care, these screwless sheet metal sunglasses combine great functional design with modern edgy urban fashion. Beginning as an idea in 1996, two friends showed ic! Berlin founder Ralph Andrel prototypes of their innovative sunglasses that had no screws or glue holding the frame together. Ralph saw huge potential and decided to build a company around the design and so, in 1997 the trio began crafting sheet metal frames out of a tiny apartment in Berlin-Mitte and ic berlin was born! Today ic! berlin Sunglasses is Berlin-based within its own Produktion Haus. ic! Berlin proudly maintains their eyewear is 100% manufactured in Germany with over a hundred artisan designers and engineers working as part of the ic! berlin team.

 Each pair of ic! Berlin sunglasses are strong, lightweight and unique reflecting many of the cultural values of its home city. Frame models are named after parts of the city – from the hipster ‘Am Friedrichshain’ to the beautiful airport-turned-park ‘Treptower Park,’. Ralph is a true Renaissance man with superb design skills and is not afraid to push the boundaries when promoting his unique brand. He claims to “make sunglasses for everybody who doesn’t want to be like everybody else”.

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