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Hugo Boss Sunglasses

Hugo Boss Sunglasses
Hugo Boss Sunglasses
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Hugo Boss Sunglasses

The Hugo Boss Sunglasses style is known to be sophisticated and chic. Hugo Boss eyewear remains by these design principles. Hugo Ferdinand Boss was born in 1885 and he grew up in Metzingen, Germany. He took over his parents lingere store in 1908. This responsibility, as well as apprenticeships as a merchant, allowed him to become a successful entrepreneur. In 1923, he established Hugo Boss which he turned into a factory a year later. At this point in history, fashion produced very simple clothing designs such as shirts, jackets and raincoats. The Hugo Boss brand were known for their production of shirts and jackets, followed by sportswear and workwear. In 1989, the Hugo Boss sunglasses line originated.  

In 1948, Hugo Ferdinand Boss died and  his son-in-law Eugen Holy took over the Boss business. During the 1970s the BOSS brand started to develop, focusing  particularly on high-quality male clothes. This business move gained the fashion brand international acknowledgement leading to motor sports and Formula One racing sponsors that really segmented the Hugo Boss brand in the luxury retail sector. Most recently, Hugo Boss have announced a partnership with Aston Martin Formula One Team

Each pair of Hugo Boss sunglasses express perfect elegance through their innovative design combining high-tech materials and intricate design details. Boss provide high quality sunglasses with functionality, style and a comfortable fit guaranteed. Hugo Boss frames offer a wide variety of colours, shapes and fits ensuring a versatile choice of men and women. 

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