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Jamie Foxx Sunglasses

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Jamie Foxx Sunglasses

Jamie Foxx's sunglasses reflect his overall style - classic and timeless. One of his go-to styles is aviator sunglasses, which have a teardrop shape and metal frames. He often wears these with a suit or dressed-up outfit to add a touch of sophistication. He has also been seen wearing wayfarer-style sunglasses. These have a chunky plastic frame and retro look.

In addition to classic styles, Jame Foxx's sunglasses can also be on the more modern and trendy side. He has been spotted wearing round glasses, which have become popular in recent years, as well as oversized sunglasses, adding a bold statement to any outfit.

Foxx is not afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion choices. The popular actor, singer, and comedian is known for his sharp and flashy style. He frequently wears well-tailored suits in bold colours, patterns, and textures. He also likes experimenting with different accessories, such as pocket squares, cufflinks, and statement watches.

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